Sarah kofman nietzsche et la metaphore pdf

Trauma, body and justice in sarah kofmans autobiography. This book addresses the question of metaphor in nietzsche. Sarah kofman s appropriation of nietzsche and freud proquest, umi dissertation publishing, 2011. Kofman s attention to metaphor was not unique at the time, for derridas white mythology, appeared within the same 1971 issue of poetique as did kofman s first draft of nietzsche and metaphor, as duncan large, the translator, notes in his introduction. It provides an unusual reading of nietzsche s ideas particularly of the central concept of will to power and an incisive method for investigating his style. Nietzsche and metaphor sarah kofman translated by duncan. Theriault, melissa, humor and autobiography in sarah kofman, ecc encyclopedia of concise concepts by women philosophers, 2019. Developing work on nietzsche undertaken by derrida and the poststructuralists, kofman shows how nietzsche s style influences his ideas and how these ideas are to be understood. Nietzsche, les juifs, lantisemitisme 1994, which are among the most important 20th century. This longoverdue translation brings to the englishspeaking world the work that set the tone for the poststructuralist reading of nietzsche.

French philosopher sarah kofman 19341994 chose the burlington house. The issue of style, of why nietzsche wrote as he did, is fundamental, on any level, to reading his texts. Kofman ogretmenlik kariyerine 1960ta toulousedaki lycee saintserninde baslad. Kofman began her teaching career in toulouse in 1960, and worked with both jean hyppolite and gilles deleuze. Request pdf sarah kofman sarah kofman 193494 was a french philosopher who. Developing work on nietzsche undertaken by derrida and the poststructuralists, kofman shows how nietzsches style influences his ideas and how these ideas are to be.

Han kirjoitti lukuisia teoksia, erityisesti friedrich nietzschesta ja sigmund freudista. Sarah kofman 14 september 1934 15 october 1994 was a french philosopher. Sarah kofmans appropriation of nietzsche and freud proquest, umi dissertation publishing, 2011. In 1969 she met jacques derrida and began attending his seminars at the ecole normale superieure. Lisant nietzsche a travers freud, et freud a travers nietzsche. Sarah kofman 8 followers sarah kofmans philosophical works currently available in english are. Nietzsche and poststructuralism, new york literary forum 89 1981. Nietzsche and metaphor sarah kofman translated by duncan large. Sarah kofman 19341994 was a french philosopher, born in paris kofman began her teaching career in toulouse in 1960, and worked with both jean hyppolite and gilles deleuze. In a frequently cited passage from twilight of the idol, nietzsche uses the. Vivian liska, over autobiografie en vadermoord bij sarah kofman, in. Nietzsche, hume, and the genealogical method springerlink. Tymczasem pojecie metafory samo jest metaforyczne, metafory nie mozna opanowac przez nia sama i przez to, co sama wytworzyla, to znaczy od wewnatrz, co oznacza, ze.

Sarah kofman 19341994 was a french philosopher, born in paris. Woman in freuds writings 1985, freud and fiction 1991, and nietzsche and metaphor stanford, 1994. Some nietzsche critics in particular, those, such as jean granier, indebted to heideggers reading, in effect translated nietzsches terms back. For further discussion see my article, philosophy as rigorous philology. The paper examines the role of metaphor in the work of nietzsche, demonstrating a metaphorical act being the heart of nietzsches deconstruction of concept. My title alludes to sarah kofmans essay on molieresdom juan. In 1969 kofman met jacques derrida and began attending his. Some nietzsche critics in particular, those, such as jean granier, indebted to heideggers reading, in effect translated nietzsche s terms back. Athlone press, london stanford university press, stanford, ca 1993.

She was the author of numerous books, including several on friedrich nietzsche and sigmund freud. Kofmans attention to metaphor was not unique at the time, for derridas white mythology, appeared within the same 1971 issue of poetique as did kofmans first draft of nietzsche and metaphor, as duncan large, the translator, notes in his introduction. It provides an unusual reading of nietzsches ideas particularly of the central concept of will to power and an incisive method for investigating his style. Ni science, ni poesie, melant dans son ecriture tous les genres, biffant. Philosophie nietzscheenne, insituable, hors categorie, impossible a classer.